How To Record Your Voice Using Garageband
Posted By: Mr. NeedInstructions; Category: Computer, Internet & Information Technology; April 5, 2015


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How to record your voice with a microphone using Apple's Garageband and then export or save the recording as a mp3 file.

1. Turn on computer.
2. Plug in headphones
3. Turn off computer speakers if needed
4. Make sure headphones are working
5. Open system prefernces and go to sounds
6. Select your microphone type from inputs
7. Make sure you have levels
8. Close system preferences
9. Launch Garageband
10. Select podcast
11. select you male vocal track
12. Select monitor from track info
13. Record you voice
14. Move song slider to end of the recording
15. Share to disk
16. Select mp3 and custom.
17. Save

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