How to photograph toddlers
Posted By: ava; Category: Parenting, Family & Relationships; November 4, 2008
Author Ava A.;


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Now you can make your little sweethearts ham it up like a pro in front of the camera.
Set the mood. Don’t make them feel the pressure. You can start up by playing with them instead.
Take candid pictures. The best way to take pictures of toddlers is through candid shots. They are very much capable of showing intense emotions in the most natural way when not under pressure.
Let them see pegs. Let them see pictures of other kids to encourage them to do the same way.
Set examples. Ask her about her favorite cartoon character or Disney channel character and tell her how they want to be photographed.
Have a parent join you during the photo shoot. Ask a parent or guardian to help you set the mood while on shoot.
Promise a reward. Give her something to look forward to.
Play with her. Don’t be too stiff during the shoot. Loosen up and take time to get goofy with her.
Preview later. While she’s at the mood, keep shooting and preview later.
Limit the number of layouts. If you’re doing a series of shoots, limit the number of frames for a day. Don’t stress her too much. This will affect the quality of the shot and the health of the child, more importantly.
Give her time to play around in between takes. Give her a break to be just who she is. Take this time to preview the shots.
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