How To Wash Dishes Properly
Posted By: CLEvans ; Category: Home Improvement & Gardening; October 25, 2008
Author CLEvans;


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Hate dirty dishes? Would you like to know how to wash dishes properly so that you can eat off those sparking clean plates, silverware and cups? If so, follow these steps to get your dishes so clean you can eat off of them!
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Before you starting cleaning those dirty dishes you will need the following items.

* Kitchen Sink
* Dish Soap
* Sponge
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The first step in washing your dishes properly, you will need to soak your dirty dishes in hot soapy water. You should let your dishes soak for about an hour. Also be careful not to burn yourself when soaking your dishes in the hot water.
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After your dishes have soaked for a good hour you will want to drain the water. Now if you have a kitchen sink that as a double-bowl setting, then you will not need to drain the water. But in this instruction we are using a bowl kitchen sink.
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Your next step will to be to add dish soap to your sponge.
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You then will grab one of your dirty dishes and take the soapy sponge and vigorously wash of any food contents off your dish.
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You then will want to rinse off the soap off your cleaned dishes. Make sure you rinse dishes properly. You should not be able to see any soap suds off your dishes.
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Once you have rinsed off your dishes you can now place your clean dishware in your dish rack. Now you will either wait till your dishes try or you can use a towel to dry off your dishes. You now have now learned how to wash your dishes properly.
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