How To Prepare a First Aid Kit for Your Dog
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 22, 2008
Author StacyH;


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Having the right supplies in place for first aid at home and while traveling are important for you and your dog. Putting together supplies specifically for your dog could save you much worry or even your dog's life.
Find a place at home or an appropriate (preferably water resistant) container for your supplies.
Gather supplies for trauma and injury:
Clean towels (2), thermal blanket, gauze pads and/or rolled gauze, self-clinging bandage roll (vet wrap), first aid tape, scissors, tweezers, bulb syringe
Gather medications, topicals, and treatments for poisoning and illness:
ipecac syrup, activated charcoal, Benadryl, buffered aspirin, triple antibiotic ointment, peroxide, betadine, petroleum jelly, Pepto Bismol, eye wash, cold packs, and rectal thermometer.
Gather information and contact numbers:
Your local poison control or animal poison control number
Your Veterinarian and Emergency Clinic numbers
Copy of your pet's health records
Gather other supplies specifically for your pets needs:
Insulin, anti-seizure medication, etc.
Also consider different supplies for field dogs, like Skunk-off or insect bite kit.
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