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How to Lose Weight Without Surgery
Posted By: ethernum;
Category: Health;
November 2, 2008
Author ethernum;
Quick Weight Loss Tip #1: Water. Yes, you might hate this weight loss tip reading all over again, 8 glasses a day of water will definitely do the trick for healthy weight loss. Say goodbye to your favorite sodas and concentrated juices if you want to lose weight without surgery. Giving up on these sort types of drinks and change it with purely water can make you lose a couple of pounds for sure
Healthy Weight Loss Tip #2: Forget ephedra and hoodia and other weight loss supplements and diet tricks, and try walking. You might say it is just simple yet it can burn up some calories in your body. Having 10,000 steps a day, will come a long way and pounds will start to shed off in due time. It is one way of exercising also, without going to the gym.
Easy Weight Loss Tip #3: Fruits and Veggies. A good combination to incorporate with in your diet. With the nutrients, vitamins and fiber you can get from these two, you will surely have a healthy body without adding extra pounds into your body.
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Below are some weight loss tips you can get weight loss through by and would do wonders for you if followed strictly with no lapses. And these weight loss tips don't require surgery!
Free Weight Loss Tips: How to Lose Weight Without Surgery: