How to Learn to Walk in a Body Cast
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


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A young child who breaks a femur will wear a body cast fitted on half of his or her body for about eight weeks. The cast starts in the middle of the waist and goes to the ankle of the broken leg and almost to the knee of the other leg. The legs are in a bent and spread position. It looks uncomfortable and seems like an impossible position for being able to walk. However, children tend to be resilient and creative. After the initial pain ceases from the break in two or three weeks they get moving.
Begin with combat crawling in your body cast across clean floors after a couple of weeks when the pain has started to abate from the broken femur. This is when you use your arms and elbows to drag your body across an area.
Learn to pull yourself up to a standing position while holding onto furniture, walls, or other stable objects.
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Practice walking around while holding onto furniture, walls, a wheelchair, or a cart.
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Finally, after much practice walk all by yourself.
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